The Akashic field is a living library of your soul's journey since inception.  All feelings, experiences, memories and relationships are imprinted energetically in the records. The healing is channeled through the exquisite wisdom of the ascended masters, teachers and loved ones.

Akashic Field

Healing experience


I work in the Akashic field as a translator of the holy energetic flow. We give voice, feeling, understanding and perception to your soul's sacred imprinting.

I will be your energy doula and intuitive spiritual guide inside the Akashic Field, in service to the orgasmic frequency.


About the Orgasmic Frequency

Working inside the Akashic Records is a profoundly sacred, insightful and personal experience.

Which is why it is my greatest pleasure to be invited into the unique frequency of your soul essence. It is a safe healing sanctuary to meet parts of yourself and recover full potential for your soul's growth and expression.

There are different ways to measure reality, and through the orgasmic frequency you may have a multitude of different experiences, depending on what you are available for and what your soul desires to experience. In an Akashic Healing you may experience insight from your guides, energy healings, kundalini activation or a combination of all.

You will find peace, healing & empowerment in a session if you are the midst of the following:

The passing of a loved one, friend or pet

Navigating a big life change, relocation, adversity & uncertainty

Searching for the next step in your career, love life or health

Seeking insight from signs, messages & synchronicities

Understanding meaning of addiction & abuse from soul level

Unlocking new heights in money abundance and pleasure

Amplify your psychic gifts and refine your channel to bring through your creative life's work  

Curious about your soul's blueprint

Healing challenging familial relationships

Healing chronic pain, illness and dis-ease

Interested in the Tantric Path

I first heard about the Akashic Records in 2010 at a Brian Weiss past life regression seminar in Chicago. 

I was working as a gymnastics coach in Michigan at the time and I told my boss I needed the weekend off for a friends sisters bat mitzvah, but really it was because I had been secretly listening to past life regression cd’s on my walkman and experiencing energy phenomenon I didn't understand.

I was on the journey of awakening to my true self after going blind when I was 18. I was healing, I had insight into the emotional and mental root causes but I was seeking the spiritual meaning, from the highest perspective. I had a lot of questions.

At the past life regression workshops people were having the most “woo woo” experiences I had ever seen before.

One of the people I sat next to was talking about the Akasha and how everything was recorded in the Quantum Field. The Akashic Records are like the library of the soul's journey, they said. When I heard the word Akasha, my whole body resonated with it. THAT WORD. I had goosebumps and a knowing feeling and cried. It activated something within me. But I was still really scared to go there... And I had a lot of self doubt and skepticism in general. Who gave little old me permission for more?

Fast forward to 2019. I had been practicing reflexology energy body work and teaching yoga for years, and had a list of spiritual entrepreneurial failures that included an essential oil bodycare biz. I decided I was going to go full time into my dream and move to Mexico. When the pandemic started, my budding healing business in the Caribbean halted, seemingly overnight, like so many others. During the deep dark down of WTF am I going to do now? I came across the book “How to Read Your Akashic Records” by Linda Howe. Intrigued, feeling like it was a sign, I went for it.

As I was reading the book I realized I had been accessing the records with clients for years without knowing it. And in my dreams.

I decided I wanted to deepen my relationship with the records and understand what I was tapping into and learn a method that could be taught to others.
I started to open my records with the pathway prayer from the book. I would sit in my records and felt like I glimpsed what she was talking about. But I wanted more. 

So one day I open my records and declared I wanted to go deeper, and I asked for the next step.

I felt the pulse to open instagram. GO ON INSTAGRAM, REALY? WHAT? And there it was. Akashic Record Reading course with Brynne Dipell - starting the next day. THE NEXT DAY. 

I signed up. It cost the same amount of money I made in a month. But I knew I had to choose into it.

I had this idea of what I thought it would be like in the course. I thought my higher self would be this zen, criss cross apple sauce sage wizard. But as it turns out, my higher self was a spark of source light that was actually elated, giddy and buzzing with excitement to be earthside and guide others to know their souls.

The unconditional love in the Akashic Field was so overwhelming it brought me to my knees. I felt so seen and recognized and validated. I saw my soul's journey. The power in my spirit, the insight, the wisdom and the trials and tribulations I had chosen to go through. How in awe of self I was. 

Those quirks, the deep, dark things about my human self I didn't like or understand, I saw them through the light of the masters teachers and loved ones. 

STRUCK with grace, beyond inner father and inner mother work. Beyond plant medicine journeys and meditations.

All I had to do was nothing — receive it, plug into it and charge into it.

I started to experience my day to day self at this level.

I began to adore my playful nature as I channeled, and how erotic, mischievous, clever and fierce, and fun it got to be. I started to embody this in my life and felt deep permission to do so.

And fears about being who I was and going deeper into the sexual healing work all started to absolve.

I received a blessing, that I AM THE BLESSING. An ancestral blessing. A REVELATION. 

The records are where I would go for healing. For confession. To ask existential questions. 

They would lay me in grid systems of crystals, colors, sacred geometry and heal my body on a cellular level. My heart, and migraines and UTI's -- I received insight into everything.

They would show me the truth and offer energy healing. It is where I would go and unravel, breakdown, and go though huge processes, and self regulate.

The ultimate inner sanctuary and unlocking the inner pharmacy.

I have been deepening my relationship with the records for 5 years. I have been teaching inside the records now for several years -- guiding my creative endeavors and work in the world.

That's why I am passionate about welcoming you into your own soul space, so you can experience yourself on this level too.

I serve as a guide, teacher and consultant within the records. 

I offer sessions that take place in state of being that making love to yourself is the ultimate high speed connection to source, which I call the orgasmic frequency.

If you would like to go deeper and apprentice within the records, inquire about working with me through Mentorship or the Freak For Spirit Mistressmind. 

With the Akashic Records

MY love story

How long is the session?

A single session is 60 minutes and VIP experience is 120 minutes via zoom.

What to expect from first session

I combine many of the spiritual, psychological, and/or coaching and healing techniques I already practice into working within the Akashic Field. 

We will go as deep as you would like. We discuss the areas of your life you would like to inquire about during the session, for example, emotional issues, relationship pattern, or financial blocks. You will have the wisdom, clarity and energy healing of the Record Keepers throughout the whole session, and you will find that ease, insight and resolution come very quickly from this place of grace and love.   

How do I prepare?

Upon filling out the contact form you will be agreeing to a contract that is spiritual in nature (not legal) and gives me permission to access your full Akashic Records when we connect. In addition, I require the commitment of the energy exchange, that is, the payment, taken care of so the energy is in balance. I ask for these tasks to be complete at least 48 hours before we meet. Beyond that, you don't need to prepare anything unless you have specific questions you would like addressed.

What is the energy exchange?

Single Sessions as 1:1 intensives within the Akashic field for 1 hr are $222.

2 hr VIP experience is $400.

What is the difference between an Akashic Reading and Healing / Clearing?

In a reading you ask questions and get to know yourself from a soul level perspective.

The Akashic Clearing within the records moves stagnant energy from the energy bodies for transmutation. The higher self guides this process, along with your masters, teachers and guides. The energy healing through a clearing is often related to karmic connections, past life memories and ancestral patterns that live in the outer layers of the energy body. 

The whole process is guided and held. You have the opportunity to go as deep as you would like.

How does it work?

We say a prayer with your full name at birth to access your unique vibration.

The channel to the records is open to anyone at anytime, and sometime soon we will all be living within the field all the time! But right now, if we left it open it would feel like trying to fit the ocean into a tea cup!

In a session, we facilitate entry into soul space in order to give permission (free will) to receive information and healing from the field. It's beautiful!

Example Questions for the records

Take some time to consider what’s really going on in your life and your priorities at this moment. Where you would like insight, guidance, and healing information? Are you in a big life transition? Would you like messages from the house you want to buy or the baby you are trying to conceive?

What is the primary past life issue you came here to resolve in this lifetime?
What type of art or inspiration wants to flow through you at this time?
What goals do you have but aren’t sure how to approach them?
What relationships are challenging you right now?
What truths do you want to know?

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Akashic Healing Client Love

receive exquisite higher love while in the experience of my transmission



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