Welcome to my one-on-one playground of plenty.
Private mentorship is the most intensive, intimate and immersive journey I offer. And what lights me up the most!

12 Month Mentorship

1:1 mentorship


6 Month Mentorship

The congruency. Attune your nervous system with your evolving state of consciousness. Integrate energetic phenomenon into your personal alchemy process. Balance your Yin and Yang energy to invoke the union of the Masculine and Feminine forces within you. Amplify your sexual energy (creative life force) in your relationships, body & business.

Calibration of Sexual Energy


The how.  Access the power of the intrinsic Self beyond the 5 senses. Master the art of turning everything into the path. Engage in self inquiry and contemplation. Refine your perception of awareness, boundaries + empathy.  Consciously respond to your circumstances outside the limits of the conditioned reactions of the mind.

Self Mastery


The map. Understand the anatomy of your inner parts and personality. Appreciate where dis-empowering thought patterns live in your body to re-pattern subconscious beliefs. Tap into the unconditional love presence within you that is designed to heal generations. Develop deeper intimacy with your body and trust in the compass of your intuition and innate gifts.

Healing Insight


The why. Expand your field of possibility and imagination. Embrace an abundant state of mind to stretch you into unlimited potential and play in your dream world.
Access the meaning of your 'why' so that you know in your body that money loves you, is on your team and most definitely wants to fulfill your desires and bring your ideas into manifest reality.

Vision + Wealth Mindset


In the playground of plenty, you get to have your cake and eat it too. In business and in pleasure. Mentorship containers follow your truth every step of the way.

Soul Specialties:
Create, build and expand your soul led business 

Master playing the feminine and masculine poles in relationships, call in your king / queen and sacred union

Refine and amplify your psychic healing gifts, working with plants, land, animals, spirits, you name it

Blossom through the dark downs, the adversity, transition and relocation

Unlock wealth codes and embody orgasmic frequency, revolutionize your receptivity muscle, circulate more money and pleasure through your system

About the Playground of plenty

the journey I take you on

12 month Investment: Pay in full and monthly plans available

For building your spiritual business from your heart and soul
>Begin with a 1 hour VIP experience in your Akashic Records and virtual library tour of the Sanctuary to set the tone for our journey together
> 60 min 1:1 Zoom Video Sessions, option for weekly or biweekly
>Telegram support for insight, guidance, empowerment and celebration
>Access to the Sanctuary Membership online portal  

Fully Held: 12 Month Mentorship

Sign up here: Fill out the form

6 month Investment: Pay In Full and monthly plans available

HALF A YEAR container in devotion to your truth
>Begin with a 1 hour VIP experience in the Akashic Field where we set the tone with divine inspiration for the journey together
> 60 min Weekly 1:1 Zoom Video Sessions
>Telegram support for insight, guidance, empowerment and celebration
>Access to the Sanctuary Membership online portal

The Visionary: 6 Month Mentorship

6 Month Mentorship form

It is possible to build a balanced business in harmony with your innermost needs and in devotion to your cycles 

It is possible to call in your soul mate partner and soul mate clients

It is possible to live in orgasmic frequency while staying connected to the needs of our world

It is possible to build the financial house to support your wealth windfall while living a sustainable and meaningful life

You can be the bridge between the spiritual and the material worlds and walk it confidently, with your soul fully planted in reverence to your undeniable truth that is your LIFE.

Cheers to having and holding it all. 




My 1:1 mentorship with Hannah was the most transformational 6 months of my life.

I began my container feeling completely detached from myself, facing alcohol and eating issues, having difficulty expressing myself vulnerably, and feeling resigned to the fact that I would watch my life pass by unfulfilled and meaningless.

After working together and attending her Soul Activation retreat, I am now traveling abroad, engaging with the world with joy and curiosity, and have an overwhelming sense of purpose for my soul’s place on this earth. 

Hannah allowed me to find myself again and transform my life. She helped me heal traumas and become someone me and my inner child are so proud of. I now have the tools to navigate life’s stressors with a new understanding of nervous system regulation, so I can be truly in tune with my body and mind’s needs.

It feels like she helped me nurse myself back to health and unclipped my wings, and now it feels so incredibly good to fly!

- Lauren T.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

Working with Hannah has leveled me up in ways I never thought possible.

Before working with Hannah I was living a life with everything I thought would bring me fulfillment, but I was stuck in a deep hole of discontentment and disconnect.

After working with her I had the courage to leave an engagement, a house and entire life I had built that wasn't in alignment with my truest desires.

Hannah guided me back to even being able to dream. Working with her led to having the most liberating year of my life after her Soul Activation Retreat. I am now living my dreams in my 30s..

Hannah creates the safest space to meet yourself where you are, she hears you, feels you deeply and leads you back to your innermost self to find your power in all of the chaos.

As I continue to journey through self discovery and mastery, Hannah’s medicine sticks with me. By living out her purpose, she is helping me to live out mine and for that, her services are priceless.

- Lindsay D.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

I look back at many of the courses I did and wonder the intent behind ticking the box. I had yet to understand the missing piece. Mentorship.

Working with Hannah has helped me get through my barriers as a writer and getting into flow state with the higher purpose of my ADHD. I came into our container to break down heavy guilt I was carrying. 

I had been feeling the call for an energy guide and when I met Hannah, I felt like she was the answer to that call. 

Throughout our mentorship sessions and in the integration work between, I have been able to go deep within myself to meet and release habitual patterns I had been struggling to shake off, and do it all with such grace and kindness. 

Now I feel so well equipped and supported. I have a deeper vision of my path as a software engineer and a writer. I can lean into the resistance while unleashing my creative power. 

I can take action even when I think I have nothing that people will consider reading. I now understand how to show love and kindness to all parts of myself as I walk this path of healing. 

- Evan H.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

 I feel like a weight has been lifted from my soul while also feeling more grounded and secure.

Hannah is an emotional pipe cleaner. With empathy, compassion, and unmatched wisdom, she is able to help you deep clean the emotional trauma from your life both physically and metaphorically. Very rarely have I felt so heard, seen, validated, cleansed, uplifted, and moved in such a safe space. I cannot recommend this work with Hannah enough.

- Ari A.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet icing candy sesame snaps toffee oat cake jelly I love macaroon.

I love sweet bonbon. Tiramisu I love apple pie. Lollipop macaroon pastry danish. Sweet roll jujubes gummies tootsie roll fruitcake I love liquorice. Wafer chocolate halvah. Liquorice apple pie lollipop sweet roll powder. Oat cake sesame snaps marshmallow cookie jujubes. Croissant pie I love croissant cookie.


12 Month Mentorship PLAN

6 Month Mentorship PLAN

Investing in me as your mentor means that I am investing in YOU!


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