My namesake is “Hannah” (grace, the merciful one) & “Rose” (of passion, of love).

I am here to be fully expressed, as are you. We have done this before, you and I. We have come all the way undone. We have screamed the righteous rage, bled for justice, sweat through our own revival. We don’t care what we call ourselves. We are vitality and the void.

We are strong enough now to become gentle. We are coming back online with soul dignity and honor. With refuge from the storm of struggle.

Our inner lords are bowing at their knees in front of the womb of the great lady. We are rebuilding the right structures for the creative life to flow forth, for the soul to fully inhabit.

We are bringing the fertile and the imaginative back online. The innocence is emerging from the war, the purity of play is in full abandon and laughter, the hunger for wild life is back to be satiated.

If you are new to my work, my field is highly energetic. It’s paradoxical magic and clever play. It is generous, insightful, self expressive and pioneering. It is determined, strong willed, cozy and empowered.

My medicine is a combination of angel wings and mermaid tail. I hold keys to the blueprint of the divine child, the wealth codes in folklore of peter pan and the little prince.

I am here to reclaim the maiden aspect of goddess within you, who vitalizes the crone, inspires the mother and awakens the queen.

I am here to live in orgasmic frequency while planted fully into human. I am here to refine, reflect, tend, nurture, take action, and refine again. I am here to live in a low simmer and forever foreplay. I am here to bring forth fantasy into fulfillment.

I serve the solar feminine and shakti of the divine mother. I am walking my path of responsibility to the feminine power and masculine consciousness.

I am here to translate codes from the home star systems and ancient mystery schools. To steward others into their sacred union of leadership.

As a teacher of quantum possibility, a tantrika, mystic, visionary, ceremonialist and guide.

I am here in reverence, tenderness & devotion,

As Hannah Rose

My Medicine

And, for those who came here for a bio.. 

I am originally from Ann Arbor MI and currently reside in the surf paradise of San José del Cabo in Baja California Sur.

How I become the healer I am today is an inspiring story. I will give you the cliff notes. 

When I was 16 I had a spinal injury that ended my competitive gymnastics career. After experiences with depression and psychotic episodes, I was medicated and admitted to a mental hospital. (Although I would later understand this as the chapter of the dark divine feminine awakening to psychic gifts and the void). This was the beginning of a dark night of the soul series of healing crises that culminated in going blind when I was 18. I set out on a path of self discovery in search for higher meaning, insight and soul level healing. I lived in Israel for several years and served in the Israeli Military before I answered the call as a healer. 

Akin to the Shaiva poem that says “This is the path were poison becomes nectar and worldly life becomes the abode of liberation.”

I have been studying energy for years, from Reflexology to Tantra, Yin Yoga and Chinese Traditional Medicine to Quantum Akashic Healing, Conscious Breathwork to In depth psychology and Inner Parts Work.

Since discovering the eternal presence, love and power to heal my body and transform my reality I felt called to serve that same essence in others.

My approach to healing is to get out of the way and be the conduit for the magic to happen.

I have facilitated hundreds of people around the world through their own transformation and rise in love with themselves and their lives.

I am here to walk my own path fully lit willing to show it.

I went blind so that I would know
what it felt like
to go inward and finally see
I built a temple of peace and glory
In the apex between my thighs
Overlooking the ocean
At sunset

My prayer for humanity is to wake at sunrise 
as a flower does in love
with ancient revery

and well f*cked.


In love

Hannah Rose


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